地区教育机构合作伙伴带来梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里作为 speaker during MLK event


作家兼教育家梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里将担任 在西密歇根社区纪念活动上的主旨演讲 the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

Harris-Perry will speak at 6 p.m. on January 15 at the 24日,喷泉街教堂举行第38届年度社区庆祝活动 Fountain St. NE in Grand Rapids. The event is free and open to the public. 

达文波特大学, 大急流城社区学院和大峡谷州立大学 使得哈里斯-佩里有可能访问西密歇根州 community event and two other presentations.

Melissa Harris-Perry standing with arms crossed
梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里将在西密歇根做三场演讲 commemorate the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

哈里斯-佩里是玛雅·安杰洛主席 维克森林大学政治系和 国际事务、妇女、性别和 性研究,以及环境与可持续发展项目.

She is the founder and president of the Anna Julia 库珀中心,其使命是通过 intersectional scholarship and action. Harris-Perry is the author of 获奖书籍《博天堂官方》 《博天堂官方》和《姐妹公民: Shame, Stereotypes and Black Women in America."

GVSU President Philomena V. Mantella said she is 感谢达文波特和GRCC的领导 承诺请一位全国演讲嘉宾到大急流城演讲 insight and relevance to King's messages. 

“当我们的世界充满暴力和 冲突,比以往任何时候都更重要的是反思和成为 inspired by the life and lessons of Dr. King,” Mantella said. “高等教育在发展包容性方面发挥着重要作用 我们很荣幸能与GRCC和达文波特合作 this important event.”

Davenport President Richard J. Pappas said: "It 给了我希望,尽管我们的社会斗争可以 劝阻我们吧,我们团结在一起,公开承诺 to be inclusive and embrace diversity. We find strength in our joint 使命是继续对抗不公正,放大我们所知道的 good and what we hear in Dr. King's timeless message." 

GRCC President Charles Lepper said as the country 庆祝马丁·路德·金的一生和遗产,他“鼓励我们的社区 反思我们如何共同努力,创造一个更加公正和 equitable society."

"By joining forces, we have the power to cultivate 深刻的归属感,建立包容的, 好客,尊重的环境不仅在我们的校园 but also across the globe," Lepper said.

1月15日在喷泉举行的活动的社区赞助商 街教会包括安利大广场酒店、消费者能源、 Corewell Health, Foster Swift, Mercantile Bank, and Warner Norcross + Judd LLP .

Events at GVSU, including Harris-Perry's presentation, commemorating King run through January 20. Harris-Perry will speak at Davenport University on January 16.

MLK Commemoration Week at GVSU

A slate of events continues at Grand Valley through January 20. They are detailed below.

Dar Mayweather seated at table
2007年和2009年的达尔·梅威瑟将于1月17日发表主题演讲 in the Kirkhof Center.

January 17, Keynote and Silent March

GVSU 07届和09届的毕业生Dar Mayweather将会给我们 keynote address. Mayweather is the founder of an inclusive leadership consulting business, Doing the Good Work , and a leadership studies faculty member at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

His presentation is Wednesday, January 17, at 4:30 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Grand River Room. This event follows the silent march, which will begin at 4 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public.

Mayweather teaches leaders inclusion strategies that 允许高校利益相关者之间的差距缩小 their intention and action. He earned a bachelor's degree in 刑事司法和高等教育硕士学位 并获得了工商管理硕士学位和博士学位 degree in education from Eastern Michigan University. 

TaRita Johnson headshot
塔丽塔·约翰逊(TaRita Johnson)是The 大急流城的Right Place,将在1月18日做一个报告.

January 18, Keynote Presentation

TaRita Johnson, senior vice president of Talent and 大急流城“正确的地方”的多样性,将交织在一起 her story with the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 一个由霍恩斯坦研究中心联合赞助的演讲 总统研究和包容与公平学部.

约翰逊的演讲将在1月18日,星期四, beginning at 5 p.m. at the DeVos Center, Loosemore Auditorium. Following the keynote, a reception will begin at 6 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. RSVPs are required. 参加虚拟会议的人将收到Zoom网络研讨会 link after registering.

Prior to joining The Right Place in 2021, Johnson 曾担任卡尔文大学就业中心主任. 她负责该中心的职业指导、雇主关系和活动 and marketing analytics and assessment. She was responsible for 跨部门创建和启动职业和生活技能 program, Calvin LifeWork. 

two women in pool with caps and googles on
《博天堂官方》将在放映后进行两次小组讨论 January 18.

January 18, Team Dream

梦之队,2022年冬奥会的第一部纪录短片 Queen Collective节目,由Queen Latifah制作并执导 and produced by Luchina Fisher.

The film will be screened followed by a panel discussion twice on January 18: 11:30 a.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Pere Marquette Room, and at 7 p.m. in the DeVos Center, Loosemore 礼堂(塔丽塔·约翰逊演讲和招待会后).

Fisher’s film follows Ann Smith and Madeline Murphy 他们分别是82岁和77岁,揭示了这一点 什么都没有——不是年龄,不是种族,当然也不是芝加哥臭名昭著的城市 天气——将阻止他们为2022年的国家高级比赛进行训练 她们很可能是为数不多的黑人女性中的两位 competing in the swim events. "You are never too old to Dream." A decade after joining Team Dream, a Chicago-based 组织训练有色人种女性游泳,骑自行车和 铁人三项,史密斯和拉伯继续实现他们从未想过的目标.

Joining the panel discussion will be Ann Smith and Derrick Milligan, coach to Smith and Rabb. Milligan founded Team Dream,一个有色人种女性铁人三项训练网络. Panelists 将讨论水和种族的获取,特别是在 morning panel discussion, 11:30 a.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Pere Marquette Room.

January 20, Day of Service and Solidarity

The MLK Jr. Day of Service and Solidarity is part of a 全国服务日,全美的校园聚集在一起 共同服务并与他们的社区团结一致 honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Each year, this event is 由学生生活办公室协调:公民参与 与马丁·路德·金周执行计划委员会合作. Details and a link to RSVP are posted online.

