Reach 更高的展示 Banner in the DeVos Center Plaza.

Five innovations we saw at the Reach 更高的展示

About 150 projects were presented to a crowd of over 400 people at the Reach 更高的展示 on April 12.

的 exhibits were presented in line with GVSU’s Reach Higher Commitments to an empowered educational experience, a lifetime of learning and a culture of educational equity.

的re were many innovative and impactful projects on 在Reach Higher显示. 这里有五个演示的例子 从事件来看.

Experiential learning inside a virtual courtroom

While courtrooms are generally open to the public, some students face challenges fitting an in-person courtroom observation 纳入他们的日程. Through virtual reality, the courtroom can be 带给学生.

Developed by GVSU’s Legal Studies faculty and IT Innovation and 研究 teams, the VR Courtroom provides students with a 360-degree tour of a courtroom located in the 61st District 在大急流城的法庭. Students receive an immersive and interactive experience designed to facilitate a stronger connection between 理论与实践.

Through a VR headset, phone or computer, users explore the courtroom’s layout and design while learning foundational 与法院系统有关的概念. 该项目还提供 behind-the-scenes views of less commonly visible courtroom features, 比如法官的办公室. 

的 development team has high hopes for expanding off 这是VR体验的基础. 考特尼·托皮,助理 professor with the School of Criminology, said the group hopes to expand to live-action VR experiences, giving students opportunities 在真实的环境中练习.


GVSU Blue Dot introduces the Digital Twin, a dynamic, 物理对象的虚拟表示. 驻场创新者 Joseph Van Harken and Senior VMA Jeff Staub said the tool can be used for campus planning, student orientation, improving learning 环境和个性化教育.

的 exhibit featured two use cases for the Digital Twin.

的 Digital Doppelganger can be used in External 现实的经历. 一个逼真的数字人类化身是 created using an eight-camera depth capture array. 化身可以 be utilized in virtual campus tours, allowing prospective students to explore Grand Valley without stepping foot on campus.

Pre-visualization allows prospective architectural renderings of future projects such as the Blue Dot Lab to be 以增强现实呈现. 用户可以放置数字双胞胎 onto the surface using their phone and walk around the experience to explore.

的 Dragoncillo Puppet Troupe: community outreach through puppetry

Beginning more than a decade ago, the Dragoncillo is a puppetry troupe dedicated to imaginative, bilingual (English and Spanish) storytelling that educates while it entertains. 该集团 performs across the country and abroad at universities, K-12 学校、节日和其他聚会.

的 custom designed, 3D-printed figures allow volunteers to join the performance with minimal rehearsal time.

该集团's performances range from 30-75 minutes and feature a variety of original and adapted works.

Jason Yancey, Dragoncillos’s artistic director and Spanish professor at GVSU, said the shows include interactive 演出后的元素. 他说这可能特别 insightful to young students who have never experienced puppetry in 之前的人.

Each show ends with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and handle some of the puppets.


的 Cell and Molecular Biology Department created two 新的可堆叠的酿造徽章. 学生们学习设计和酿造 beer, identify various beer styles and assess beer through sensory 科学的方法.

的 Homebrewing Badge is earned through a single 课程,CMB 350,酿造基础. 这门课的重点是 historical, social, economic and health impacts of beer.

的 Craft Brewing Badge is earned by completing two courses, CMB 430, Brewing Science and CMB 431, Advanced Brewing. 的se classes focus on the analysis of beer and brewing methods from 科学的视角. 学生有晋升的机会 their brewing skills and recipe design to produce high quality beers.


的 Casting Club presented two projects at the Reach 更高的展示. 他们的非洲之矛参加了2023年的比赛 competition held in Cleveland by the Steel Founders Society of 美国. 的ir spear took home first place in design criteria and 在比赛中获得总第三名.

This year, the students are producing Halligan bars. 的 tools are used by firefighters for forcible entry. 的 multipurpose tool can break down doors, create openings for other 工具和其他东西.

Rock Phelps, an engineering student, said their design includes a flat shaft which makes it easy for an ax to slide along the bar as well as a handle designed to make the tool easily handled 戴着消防手套.



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