
GVSU是密歇根州最实惠的大学之一, especially for our international students. 学费是根据学生和课程的分类:本科低年级或高年级, resident, or non-resident; and graduate by program. 本科国际学生获得奖学金,因此他们支付与当地学生相同的费率,而不是更高, non-Michigan Resident rate. 所有的研究生,无论居住在哪里,都要支付相同的学费.

The link below will show you the current rates. 下一学年的学费在7月确定. If you are planning ahead for the next school year, you can anticipate the rates to increase by roughly 3%.

Tuition Rates

Payment Deadlines

New International Students

博天堂官方的国际学生需要在截止日期前全额支付学生账户余额,或者在截止日期前签署延期计划. Plan ahead so this is done no later than 5:00 p.m. E.S.T./E.D.T, the Friday before classes begin.

Please note, 这个截止日期不同于所有其他学生在网上发布的截止日期,也不同于您将从学生帐户收到的自动电子邮件. Please disregard those deadlinesGVSU的系统会自动将未在截止日期前付款的学生从班级中除名. 

You may view your Grand Valley Student Account through myBanner. 您还可以查看我们提供的详细指导 Get Ready page under the Student Accounts section

Returning Students

在GVSU完成至少一个学期的学生被视为“返回”。. Returning International Students must pay by the official deadline dates found on the website. 回国的国际学生有资格享受付款计划. 

How to Pay

GVSU does not accept direct wire deposits. 可接受的付款方式包括:信用卡/借记卡,PayMyTuition或Convera. 通过PayMyTuition和Convera付款的详细信息概述 below.

法律要求持F-1或J-1签证的国际学生提供足够的经济支持证明,以支付其学位课程的学费和生活费. 期望学生在经济上有能力支付学费和在美国生活.S. on the funds demonstrated. 


Preferred payment method for international students:

Grand Valley State University has partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments from any bank, 在任何国家,任何货币都比银行汇率好. PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective.

How to Make a Payment:

1. Log into your myBanner student portal, select the Student tab, and click the Student Account link:

2. To review your statement, click on "Student Account Information". 一旦您准备好付款,请选择“International Student Payment (PayMyTuition)" from the Student Account page to be redirected to the PayMyTuition payment portal:

Alternatively, you can click on the "Pay Now按钮将被重定向到大峡谷州立大学的支付门户网站:

Pay now with PayMyTuition

Additional Information on PayMyTuition:

How to make a payment - step-by-step PDFs:

PayMyTuition customer support information:

Call 1.855.663.6839 (toll-free) or through one of their local country contact numbers. You can also reach PayMyTuition Support at [email protected] or through their support page.

No matter what time zone you are in, 您将有一个专门的客户支持团队通过实时聊天提供给您, email, 电话回答您的任何问题,并帮助您付款.


Grand Valley State University has contracted with Convera Business Solutions 为国际学生提供另一种支付学生费用的方法. 此付款选项允许您以您选择的货币支付学生帐户余额,并提供一种简单可靠的电子支付方式.

GVSU Convera Portal

Advantages of using the student payment portal:

  • 外币报价可以通过Convera Portal的付款方式轻松获取.
  • 学费和杂费以您选择的货币支付,该货币可转换为美元.S. Dollars.
  • 从您的货币转换为美元时,Convera Business Solutions或Grand Valley State University不会收取额外的交易费用.  There is 1% Convera fee for paying USD to USD.  Your financial institution may charge a transaction fee.
  • 该汇率在交易启动后72小时内有效, taking the uncertainty out of the total payment amount.
  • 与大多数银行的零售利率相比,这个汇率是有竞争力的.
  • Payments received will include your reference information, 这样可以确保你的付款很快到达你的学生账户.
  • 付款将以电子方式传送到大峡谷州立大学,确保及时发送. 付款将在付款开始后的2至5个工作日内发出.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. 使用国际学生支付方式有什么好处?

A. 当您选择通过国际学生付款方式付款时,您将收到72小时内有效的汇率, which can be accepted before sending your funds. 在您发送付款时,您将始终知道您将以当地货币支付的金额,并有信心正确的金额将到达GVSU.

Q. 我需要提供大峡谷州立大学的银行信息吗?
A. No. 您只需要母国银行的详细信息,将以PDF格式提供给您. Convera Business Solutions holds GVSU's bank details. 所有款项将按个别学生证号码(g号)分配。.

Q. Can I make a transfer via my own bank?
A. 要获得此服务的好处,您必须使用提供的参考号码将付款金额发送到Convera Business Solutions. 您可以使用您自己的银行将这笔钱转到Convera Business Solutions. 请确保您的银行将提供给您的参考号码发送给您. 这样可以确保您的学费和费用支付很容易识别,不会延迟.

Q. Which fees can I pay using this service?
A. 这项服务可以用来支付学生账户上的所有余额.

Q. 我可以找到我的祖国,但它不允许我使用本国货币. Why?
A. Unfortunately, due to international and domestic banking regulations, 有些货币无法在公开市场上交易,或者无法使用. 在您的国家出现作为一个选项,但货币不可用的情况下, you can select an alternative currency, including U.S. 美元,以确保您的付款将迅速张贴到您的学生帐户.

For payment support please contact:

Convera Business Solutions
Telephone: (402) 884-3041
Email: [email protected]

2023-2024 First Semester Budget Planner

有很多费用需要考虑,从学费、住宿费到书籍和新生介绍费. 使用下面链接的指南来计划你第一学期的费用: 

First Semester Budget Planner

Page last modified June 20, 2024