Guide for GVSU Academic Advisers


感谢您花时间了解更多博天堂官方网页GVSU学生出国留学的信息. 帕德诺斯国际中心很高兴为您提供这份学术指导和留学指南. The time that you take to meet with your students is invaluable; they would never be able to study abroad without your support, so thank you! Recognizing this important role that you play, 我们希望为您提供额外的资源,帮助您在学生准备出国留学或实习时为他们提供建议. 每年,我们将800多名GVSU学生送到国外获得学分机会. Please note, PIC works with students who are earning credit abroad. 我们不鼓励志愿者出国或任何其他非学分的经历.


Study Abroad Advising
帕德诺斯国际中心欢迎在正常办公时间上门咨询(无需预约)! 我们也提供虚拟咨询预约在正常办公时间. 
Advising Information

Study Abroad Team

Jaime Pleyte

Jamie Pleyte


  • Works with all students accepted to a partner or external program
  • Assists students with course equivalencies
  • Manages all pre-departure planning for partner and external programs
  • Facilitates transfer of study abroad coursework to GVSU



Kirsten Bartels

Kirsten is the coordinator of Faculty-led Programs and Internships

  • Coordinates all faculty-led study abroad programs
  • Develops orientation programs for faculty-led participants



Meaghann Myers-Smith

Meaghann is the Study Abroad Advisor

  • Coordinates pre-acceptance program selection 
  • Oversees pre-acceptance funding guidance




Alissa is the Coordinator of Marketing and Outreach

  • Coordinates classrooms presentations 
  • Oversees publicity and marketing for all PIC publications 
  • Manages website maintenance


Your Role

学生需要在他们的学术顾问和帕德诺斯国际中心的顾问之间进行至少一次“乒乓”是正常的, in some cases a few times. For matters relating directly to the selection of a program, a programs features, 或者项目的资金问题,学生应该被转介到帕德诺斯国际中心. 博天堂官方网页国外课程如何与学位结构相适应的问题,学生应该与其学术顾问一起工作。.


Initial Conversations

  • Encourage students to come to PIC during their first semester at GVSU! The earlier we plan, the better.
  • 我们鼓励所有GVSU的学术顾问询问学生是否考虑过出国留学.
  • 根据学生的学位计划和/或学术目标,帮助学生确定出国留学的最佳学期/学年.
  • 确定学生在国外可以完成的具体课程和/或学位要求(主要选修课程), General Education Issues)
  • 传播消息:GVSU的财政援助计划可以用来帮助资助出国留学的费用, regardless of program type (GVSU programs and external programs). Additional scholarship opportunties are available. 请鼓励学生在他们的资金计划过程中尽早与我们交谈!

Discussing Program Options

  • 熟悉一些适合你建议的学生的GVSU项目.
  • Check out the Major Advice Pages (MAPS) for the majors you advise.
  • 鼓励学生参加我们的第一步会议,每周三下午4点在130 LOH.


  • 与学生从其他机构获得的标准学分转移相比,学分转移有一套不同的指导方针. 两者之间的主要区别是,出国留学的学生在国外的那个学期在GVSU注册. If students are studying abroad on a faculty-led program, independent study or internship where the credit is issued by GVSU, 他们将注册一门特定的GVSU课程,并将获得GVSU教务主任的评分. 如果学生参加海外学习项目,学分从接收机构转移到GVSU, 学生将提前注册名为国际研究380 (IS 380)的占位课程。, which allows the student to maintain his/her status at GVSU, access financial aid, and access all other services offered by GVSU.
  • 每个系可以决定谁有权分配GVSU的海外学习课程的等效课程. There are several different models for how this is handled. In most cases, 系主任负责审核留学课程说明. 一些院系允许所有教员审查海外学习课程描述,以便分配GVSU的等效性. 
    Course Equivalency Contact by department

SUPPLEMENTAL WRITING SKILLS (SWS) CREDIT For SWS credit, students should be directed to contact the Director of the SWS Program. Unlike most other reviews, 有兴趣获得SWS学分批准的学生在从国外学习归来后才会获得批准. 学生将被要求出示他们认为符合SWS要求的特定课程在海外完成的工作证明. 学生应带着所有已完成的课程作业和课程大纲返回.

GENERAL EDUCATION ISSUES CREDIT For Issues credit, students should be directed to the PIC International Center website, www.gvsu.有关如何获得海外留学学分的说明. 通识教育主任是唯一有权批准出国留学课程以满足问题要求的人. 学生必须提交留学问题反思论文,以确保批准.

Did You Know?

  • Students can take their last 30 credits abroad
  • CR/NC for partnerships and externals. Faculty-led participants will receive a grade.
  • 如果学生至少修了3个学分,则自动完成Global Perspectives课程.
  • Issues is easily fulfilled abroad. 学生不必是大三学生就可以在国外完成学业.
  • About 15% of graduating GVSU students have studied abroad.

Academic Policies

学术规划是出国留学前期准备的重要组成部分. 通过良好的计划,GVSU学生可以获得学位要求的学分,包括:

  • Major requirements
  • Minor requirements
  • 通识教育要求(基础、问题、全球视野)
  • University Requirements (SWS, B.A. Degree Cognate, B.S. Degree Cognate)

我们帮助学生学习课程,这些课程将补充和提高他们的学术兴趣,而不会让他们落后于毕业. Students often have varying circumstances, 因此,当与学术顾问协调时,学术建议是最好的. 鼓励学生记录所有批准并确定应急计划,如果在接收机构的最终注册期间发生变化.

Academic Planning and Policies


Programs by Major

这个资源将帮助学生确定适合他们专业/辅修专业的留学项目. 下面的额外资源也可能包括对一年级学生有用的信息, pre-professional students, etc.

IMPORTANT: Students can also fulfill General Education credits abroad. Most study abroad programs offer General Education credit. 

Programs by Major


Presentation for Study Abroad Advisers


Presentation: Study Abroad for Academic Advisors

Page last modified June 4, 2024