Returned Students

祝贺你完成了一次难忘的海外冒险! 从海外留学项目归来通常被称为“再入”." This is an experience that is unique to individuals who have spent a significant amount of time outside their home country. This page will provide you with a variety of resources to assist you during this adjustment period.


Earn a FREE graduation sash with the flag of the country where you studied abroad by participating in our Returned Student Series! 

Only long term study abroad students are eligible (not for faculty-led programs).

每学期,我们都会为归国学生举办一些活动. Earn points by participating in at least three 参加我们赞助的活动,你将获得一个免费的毕业绶带. 留学指导计划是这一要求的例外. 


1. Attend the Welcome Back Event (Fall and Winter)

2. Participate in the 留学指导计划 (Fall and Winter semesters)

3. Attend the Storytelling Workshop (Fall 2024)

4. 在全球湖人故事大满贯上讲故事(2024年秋季) 

5. Participate in our 简历、求职信和面试工作坊 (仅限冬季,3月-具体日期待定)

6. Volunteer 在我们的海外留学展销会(秋季和冬季)学习至少2小时

7. Complete a day-long social media takeover (Anytime)

With the exception of the 留学指导计划, 接受你的毕业绶带, you must have participated in three events and submit the form 毕业前6周. 2024年冬季的免费腰带形式已经关闭. 学生可以用学生折扣码在这里购买腰带. Completing the 留学指导计划 as a mentor fulfills the free graduation sash event requirement. Mentors are not required to participate in two additional events outside of the 留学指导计划. 


Traffic Myanmar

Share Your Story

Sharing your study abroad experience is an excellent way to process, reflect and make meaning. We encourage you to share your photos, videos, and stories with friends and family. 

你也可以与GVSU社区分享你的经验! 我们很高兴听到你在国外的经历. There are many ways to share what you learned and inspire other students to go abroad:


  • Every fall we host a story slam for returned study abroad students and international students to share stories and experiences from time spent abroad. Learn more about the story slam and our storytelling workshop on the story slam page.

Share a Video Reflection:

  • We are using Flipgrid to allow you a quick and easy way to share your experience abroad. Use the Flipgrid video access code to view the instructions.

Share Photos:

  • You could be a featured photographer in PIC publications, promotional material or our website. 

    Please remember to include:

    • Your name
    • Your contact information
    • 照片所来自的国家/项目
  • Email photos to [email protected] 或者带他们去安大略湖大厅130号的帕德诺斯国际中心.

    IMPORTANT: Please fill out the following copyright release form when you submit images or articles to GVSU. This will give us permission to use your images on our website and in our study abroad catalog. Copyright Release Form

Share a Digital Reflection:



Find out how you will receive credit for the courses you received abroad based on your program:

Share Your Story

Student looking over city

Faculty-Led Academic Credit

如果你完成了一个由教师主导的海外学习项目, your grade will be updated in your GVSU academic record after you have submitted all outstanding course assignments.


You will not see study abroad credits posted to your GVSU record immediately after you return from your program. 你会看到IS 380的等级是“X” 你在国外的那个学期. 为了更新您在GVSU的学习记录,我们需要:

  1. 留学项目的正式成绩单
  2. 与你在国外完成的所有课程相当

It can take several months from the end of your study abroad program for your official transcript to arrive in our office. If at any time, 你想询问你的留学学分情况, you can contact Jamie Pleyte,  [email protected]

Transcript Tips:

  • Please confirm that your program will send your official study abroad transcript to the Padnos International Center, LOH 130. Transcripts sent directly to the Records office will cause a delay in transferring your study abroad credit.
  • 如果您担心即将在GVSU注册的资格. You might ask your program if it is possible to expedite your transcript so that your academic record at GVSU reflects your eligibility for course registration prior to your official registration date for the upcoming year.

Course Approvals:

  • 如果你需要申请GVSU在国外学习的同等课程, follow the instructions on our Course Approval page.
Bridge in Ireland

Students overlooking water

Issues Credit

你在国外修的课程可以获得学分. Eligibility requirements and instructions are available in the Issues section of our General Education page.

Returnee Resources

从海外留学项目回国的过程可能充满挑战. 大多数学生在重新适应家庭生活时都会经历一个过渡期. If you find that you are experiencing significant challenges that are impacting your performance at school, your social life, 或者你在生活中其他方面的能力, 我们鼓励你与 University Counseling Center for support.

The Padnos International Center organizes a variety of events throughout the academic year for returning study abroad students. 作为留学校友,您将收到有关即将到来的活动的电子邮件更新.

We have compiled a few additional resources that may be helpful to you as you navigate this process:

当你准备离开你的东道国,看看这篇文章 如何以正确的姿态结束你的留学经历

你在留学后的适应中遇到过挫折吗? Check out this article on 当你出国留学后感到沮丧时的10个建议

Check out the 小行星工作室的重返博客 for a variety of stories from students transitioning to life at home after studying abroad.


Get Involved

与其他学生分享你的留学经历, find ways to get involved in global issues and conversations at GVSU and in your community, 并认识其他在国外学习的学生.



让世界团结起来(顺便说一句) is a GVSU student organization that brings together international students, 过去的留学参与者和任何对全球话题感兴趣的人. BTW aims to get GVSU students involved in the international community, both locally and globally. 


  • Intercultural Festival
  • 国际学生欢迎与迎新(PEEPS)
  • International Education Week
  • Community outreach 
  • 其他社交和专业活动

Join BTW on LakerLink to receive updates on meetings & events!  

For more information contact

     Alissa Lane

     [email protected]



Study Abroad Fair Volunteer

PIC sponsors a Study Abroad Fair each semester to promote overseas opportunities to the GVSU community. The success of the fair depends largely on the involvement of returned study abroad students. Share your experiences with others at our fair by volunteering to talk to students interested in study abroad!

Volunteering Contact

     Padnos International Center


Volunteer Sign-up




The Padnos International Center has several Study Abroad Peer Advisor positions available each year. If you are interested in exploring work opportunities in our office, please contact Meaghann Smith at (616) 331-3898 or email at [email protected]. 对于有兴趣成为同侪顾问的学生, 请点击下面的链接进入我们的在线申请. 


Peer Advisers

Student in Peru

More Opportunities Abroad

抓住机会再次出国. 作为GVSU的学生,你最多可以出国留学四次! 

毕业后还有很多出国的机会. 你在考虑读研吗? Consider completing a Master's Degree Abroad.

不管你的专业是什么,都有很多机会 Teach Abroad.

The Office of Fellowships博天堂官方网页毕业后出国的资助机会的信息吗.


Career Resources

Your experiences abroad won't count to an employer unless the you can say how it has made you a better person, scholar, citizen, and professional. Read our guides to learn how to incorporate your study or internship abroad experience into your resume and how to communicate the importance of your international experience in an interview, at a career fair, 在信息面试中, and on social media sites.

Next Steps



International Graduation Sash

Students that have studied abroad can purchase a study abroad sash to be worn at their commencement ceremony through Vision Wear. The sash has a symbol representing the flag of the country that you studied in.


Deadline: April 19, 2024

IMPORTANT: You must use your 电子邮件地址,以激活优惠券代码.

每个电子邮件地址只允许进行一次购买. Please be sure to order at least two weeks in advance to get the sashes delivered to your home. 


Questions? Contact Vicki Wenger ([email protected])
